Pravo i porezi 5/2019

Web izdanje 8,99
Novi zakoni – travanj 2019. godine
Autor: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan MILOTIĆ
New Amendments to Companies Act and Act on Court Register
Autor: Dr. sc. Jelena ČUVELJAK , dipl. iur.
Effect of Conversion of Credits Denominated in CHF and Credits in HRK with Foreign Currency Clause in CHF through Court Practice
Autor: Mr. sc. Andrija ERAKOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Second Amendment to Act on Consumers Protection
Autor: Doc. dr. sc. Goran VOJKOVIĆ
Price of Water Supply Services according to Bill
Autor: Dr. sc. Desanka SARVAN
Act on State Inspectorate – Duties and Authorities of Inspectors upon Realisation of Inspection
Autor: Marin KARIN , dipl. iur.
Organisation of Co-operative
Autor: Mr. sc. Hrvoje KORDIŠ, dipl. iur.
Sea Beaches Management in View of EU Law
Autori: Ivan Branimir PAVIČIĆ , mag. iur.
Tomislav SADRIĆ , mag. iur.
New Labour Legislation within European Pillar of Social Rights
Autor: Maja GREGURIĆ, dipl. iur.
Right to Freedom of Uniting
Autor: Doc. dr. sc. Dragan Zlatović
Economic Entity, Company and Their Transfer
Autor: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan MILOTIĆ
Lease of Premises
Autor: Nikolina Pavlečić Kučinić , dipl. iur.
Tax Policy in EU
Autor: Prof. dr. sc. Nikola MIJATOVIĆ
New Issues in Act on Pension Insurance as of 1 January 2019
Autor: Višnja TOMIĆ DALIĆ , univ. spec. iur.
Predatory Prices as Form of Misuse of Chief Position
Autor: Dina BALINT VUKELIĆ , mag. iur. i univ. spec. oec.
Guidelines for Removal of Children from Family in Practice of European Court for Human Rights (Part 2)
Autor: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Branka Rešetar
Right to home
Autor: Renata MARIĆ _ IVANOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Jezik u pravu
Autori: Doc. dr. sc. Ivan MILOTIĆ
Domagoj PERANIĆ , dipl. iur.
Tumačenja i stajališta - Ministarstvo financija - Porezna uprava
Tumačenja i stajališta - Ministarstvo financija - Carinska uprava
Tumačenja i stajališta - Ministarstvo turizma
Tumačenja i stajališta - Ministarstvo rada i mirovinskog sustava
Domaća sudska praksa i stajališta
Inozemna sudska praksa i stajališta
Odgovori na pitanja pretplatnika