Prilog proračun i proračunski korisnici 12/2012

Web izdanje 24,89
Specifics of Annual Listing in System of Budget and Budget Beneficiaries
Autori: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
Recording of Special-Purpose, General and Own Income by State Budget Beneficiaries
Autor: Andreja MILIĆ, dipl. oec.
Some Book-Keeping Records in Budgetary System
Autor: Andreja MILIĆ, dipl. oec.
Preparations for Annual Account in Budgetary Accounting for 2012
Autor: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Deadlines of Fulfilment of Cash Liabilities in Contracts Signed by Persons of Public Law
Autor: Damir PAVIČIĆ, dipl. iur.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions in Field of Public Procurement
Autor: Davor MIKAC, dipl. oec.
Persons Obliged to Apply Act on Public Procurement
Autor: Zoran VUIĆ, dipl. iur.
“General” Obligations of Client in Public Procurement System
Autor: Franciska DOMINKOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Novi kolektivni ugovor za državne službenike i namještenike
Autori: Sanda PIPUNIĆ, dipl. iur.
Vesna ŠIKLIĆ ODAK, dipl. iur.
Pravo državnih, javnih i lokalnih službenika i namještenika na prigodne nagrade
Autori: Sanda PIPUNIĆ, dipl. iur.
Vesna ŠIKLIĆ ODAK, dipl. iur.
Dnevnica za službena putovanja u zemlji zaposlenih u javnom sektoru
Autor: Mirela GLAVOTA, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Changes within Framework of Fiscal Responsibility
Autor: Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
Draft of Amendments to Budget Act
Autor: Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
Draft of Act on Recovery of Public Institutions
Autori: Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
Ana ZORIĆ , dipl. oec.