Računovodstvo, revizija i financije 12/2013

Web izdanje 8,99
Činiti i nadati se - uvodnik glavnog urednika
Autor: Dr. sc. Vlado BRKANIĆ
Amendments to VAT Tax
Autor: Renata Kalčić, dipl. oec.
Draft of Act on Amendments to Income Tax Act
Autori: Ksenija CIPEK, dipl. oec.
Silvija BARTOLEC , dipl. oec.
New Codes of Types of Income for Public Payments after 1 January 2014
Autor: Anamarija Miletić , dipl. oec., ACCA i ovl. rev.
Changes of Regulations on Profit Taxation
Autor: Dr. sc. Šime Guzić , ovl. rač.
New Accounting Directive of EU 2013/34/EU
Autor: Dr. sc. Tamara CIRKVENI , ovl. rač.
Value Adjustments and Written-off Accounts Payable (Receivables from Buyers)
Autor: Mr. sc. Katarina HORVAT JURJEC, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Analysis of Position of Receivables from Buyers
Autor: Anamarija Miletić , dipl. oec., ACCA i ovl. rev.
Accounting Procedure with Allotted Shares and Optional Purchase of Shares
Autor: Dr. sc. Šime Guzić , ovl. rač.
Kontrolno-analitički postupci u pripremi godišnjeg obračuna za 2013.
Autori: Mr. sc. Katarina HORVAT JURJEC, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Dr. sc. Đurđica JURIĆ , ovl. rač.
Dr. sc. Tamara CIRKVENI , ovl. rač.
Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Dr. sc. Šime Guzić , ovl. rač.
Zrinko TRCOVIĆ , dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Collection of General Revenue and Received Cash Deposit
Autor: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Recording of Production
Autor: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Occasional Gifts to Workers in 2013
Autor: mr. Anja BOŽINA, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Who Are VAT Payers and Who Should Be Registered as VAT Payer in 2014
Autor: Dr. sc. Ljerka MARKOTA , ovl. rač.
Adjustment of Pre-Tax for Economic Goods
Autor: Maja BUBALO , dipl. oec.
Graditeljske usluge – katalog za prijenos porezne obveze
Autor: Dr. sc. Vlado BRKANIĆ , prof. vis. šk., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Special Procedure of Taxation of Investment Gold
Autor: Jasna VUK, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Misdemeanor and Criminal Responsibility for Non-Payment of Taxes and Customs Duties
Autor: Berislav MATKOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Audit of Goodwill
Autor: Bruno BEŠVIR, mr. spec., ovl. rev.
Novosti o PDV-u i ulaganjima
Autor: Slavica CVITANIĆ, dipl. oec.
Financiranje bespovratnim sredstvima programa IPA – „PRAG 2013.“ (II. dio)
Autor: Ana FRESL, dipl. oec. i MBA
Change of Taxation of Crafts Businesses
Autor: Lucija TURKOVIĆ-JARŽA, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Comparison of Intrastat Data and VAT Forms
Autori: Darinka GURGURIĆ , dipl. oec.
Vesna POLANČEC , dipl. oec.
Limitations in Import of Textile in EU
Autori: Željka KRALJ , dipl. oec.
Poslovno uvjetovani i izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu
Autor: Nikola KNEŽEVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Contract on Commodity Trading
Autor: Damir PAVIČIĆ, dipl. iur.
Current Issues regarding Name of Company (Firm)
Autor: Ante VIDOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Characteristics of Simple Limited Liability Company with One Stakeholder
Autor: Tino BEGO, dipl. iur.
Current Issues regarding Book of Decisions d.o.o.
Autor: Ante VIDOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Gospodarska kretanja u RH i EU
Autor: Mr. sc. Ivan KELEBUH, dipl. oec.