Računovodstvo, revizija i financije 6/2013

Web izdanje 8,99
Idemo u štrajk - uvodnik glavnog urednika
Autor: Dr. sc. Vlado BRKANIĆ
Obligation of Fiscalization as of 1 July 2013
Autor: Zrinko TRCOVIĆ , dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Retroactive Effect of Taxation of Dividents and Share in Equity – temporary adjournment –
Autor: Prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje KAČER
Accounting for Expenses of Legalization of Illegally Constructed Buildings
Autor: Tamara CIRKVENI , mag. oec., univ. spec. oec. i ovl. rač.
Expenses for Fines, Forced Collection of Taxes, Penalties and Damages
Autor: Mr. sc. Katarina HORVAT JURJEC, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Expenses for Education and Training of Employees
Autor: Dr. sc. Đurđica JURIĆ , prof. vis. šk. i ovl. rač.
Invoice in Company’s Operations
Autor: Jasna VUK, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Consolidation of Companies’ Financial Reports
Autor: Dr. sc. Šime Guzić , ovl. rač.
Drawing-up and Submission of Annual Financial Reports for Public Disclosure (until 30 June)
Autor: Dragutin KOVAČIĆ, mag. oec. univ. spec. oec.
Small Inventory of Budget Beneficiaries
Autor: Mirela GLAVOTA, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Employee’s Business Trip
Autor: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Records and Reports of Political Activities
Autor: Mladenka KARAČIĆ, dipl. oec.
Proposal of New Report on Salaries and Other Receipts in Unique JOPPD Form
Autor: Lucija TURKOVIĆ-JARŽA, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
New Minimum Salary in 2013
Autor: mr. Anja BOŽINA, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Expenses for Consummation of Meals by Employees
Autor: Anamarija Miletić , dipl. oec., ACCA i ovl. rev.
Payment of Holiday Bonus in 2013
Autor: mr. Anja BOŽINA, dipl. oec. i ovl. rač.
Delivery of Goods within European Union
Autor: Mr. sc. Ljubica JAVOR
Determination of Place of Delivery of Goods in European Union
Autor: Maja BUBALO , dipl. oec.
Transfer Prices and Preparation of Documents
Autor: Marijana EVĐENIĆ , mr. spec.
Overview of Act on Collection of Tax Liabilities of Physical Persons
Autor: Berislav MATKOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Evaluation and Effects of Errors Found during Audit
Autor: Filip HITREC , dipl. oec., ovl. rev i ACCA
Odgođeno priznavanje stanja nastalih propisivanjem cijenama
Autor: Prof. dr. sc. Josipa MRŠA
Common Market of European Union
Autori: Tina PETER
Željka KRALJ , dipl. oec.
Free Movement of Goods and Free Provision of Services on Common Market of European Union
Autor: Mr. Ladislava ČELAR
Financiranje razvojnih prioriteta Hrvatske iz ESI fondova u razdoblju 2014. - 2020.
Autori: Ana FRESL, dipl. oec. i MBA
Mr. sc. Hana KOLIĆ , dipl. oec.
Europski propisi o kreditima, izvješćivanju i porezima
Autor: Slavica CVITANIĆ, dipl. oec.
Payment Transaction after Accession in European Union
Autor: Dalibor GOLEŠ, dipl. oec.
Ways and Conditions of Performing Additional Activities on Family Farms
Autor: Darko MAREČIĆ, dipl. iur.
Foreign Representative Offices in Republic of Croatia as of 1 July 2013
Autor: Višnja Bengez, mr. oec.
Current Issues on Annual Holidays
Autor: Damir PAVIČIĆ, dipl. iur.
Right to Accommodation of Parents during Hospital Treatment of Child
Autor: Renata TURČINOV , dipl. iur.
Otkaz ugovora o radu – izvanredni i redoviti
Autor: Nikola KNEŽEVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Annual Holiday and Holiday Bonus in State and Public Services
Autor: Mirela GLAVOTA, dipl. oec., ovl. rač. i ovl. rev.
Right to Annual Holiday of Employees and Officials in Units of Local and Regional Self-Government
Autor: Vesna ŠIKLIĆ ODAK, dipl. iur.
Public Procurement of Legal Services
Autor: Zoran VUIĆ, dipl. iur.
Proof of no Criminal Record within Public Procurement System
Autor: Ivan PALČIĆ , dipl. iur.
Kriza u EU, spašavanje eura i banaka te situacija u Njemačkoj
Gospodarska kretanja u RH i EU
Autor: Mr. sc. Ivan KELEBUH, dipl. oec.